Wednesday, February 8, 2012

notebook apps

I have been browsing through apps trying to find one I like for students to use for taking notes. My favorite so far is Notability. I needed one that can handle typing, handwriting, and sound. This does all three pretty well. I like that you can create different folders for each student, but would love it if they could password protect their folders. I am still concerned about students "accidentally" messing with each others' work.

I also gave them options to work with Paper Port and Notes Plus. They both have the features I like, but I prefer the look and navigation of Notability. Since these notes are for student use and won't be graded, I don't care where they put them for now. If I need to grade them, I can always have them send their work via e-mail. I am still not loving any application to keep track of my feedback. Still searching...

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